We are bombarded on a daily basis with chemicals and toxins, many of which we don’t even realize. You’ve probably heard before the term ‘liver detox’. Your liver doesn’t need a detox, because the liver’s function is to detox. Your liver represents the human body’s primary filtration system, converting toxins into waste products, cleansing your blood, and metabolizing nutrients and medications to provide the body with some of its most important proteins. As such a fundamental part of the body’s overall regulation, it’s paramount to keep your liver healthy and to limit overindulgence. (1)
Our bodies are naturally detoxing every second that we are alive. Your liver doesn’t decide to turn on detox one day and off another. It is continuous. But I think the issue with people nowadays is that many, if not most are overloaded with toxins, and they are experiencing health issues because of it. One of the things we can do to help our bodies is, avoid chemicals and toxins altogether. Avoid your exposure to heavy metals and toxins in your water, food, cleaning products, pet products, lawn products, and even your bathroom products. Throw out anything that you feel is dangerous or affects you. For me personally, I choose to clean my home with all-natural products, like these or these. I also wear latex-free gloves so that when I am cleaning I am extra careful that nothing gets on my skin. Not that vinegar is dangerous, but I always wear gloves when cleaning.
Check out your makeup cabinet, lotions, and bath supplies. I’ve replaced my dove deodorant with aluminum-free deodorant, Playtex tampons with organic cotton tampons, makeup and other bathroom items that are free of toxins, parabens, sulfates, and other harmful ingredients. I’ve even switched all my hair care needs to an all-natural line that has done wonders for my hair since I’ve started using it.
Even air fresheners and candles have toxic fumes. Can you believe this? I was shocked to learn that the candles I have been burning for 5 years in my previous home all had over 10 different kinds of toxins in them. The best alternative option I’ve found is beeswax candles. More info here on how candles are toxic.
Here are other places that we run into toxins/chemicals:
Our Drinking Water
Tap water is treated with a large number of chemicals in order to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. In addition, it may contain other undesirable contaminants like toxic metal salts, hormones, and pesticides, or it may become contaminated by chemicals or microbes within pipes (e.g. lead, bacteria, protozoa). Your typical tap water includes chlorine, fluorine compounds, trihalomethanes, salts (from arsenic, radium, aluminum, copper, lead, mercury, cadmium, barium) hormones, nitrates, and pesticides. (1.1)
Even if you filter your water, unless you pay for a very expensive high-grade filtering system, you’re not going to eliminate everything. Plus, when taking showers/baths, washing hands, and using any water for food preparation; you are exposed to those chemicals as well if coming straight from your tap.
Our Food
Pesticides, which are any substances intended to prevent or destroy pests, are used to protect food from bacteria, weeds, mold, insects, and rodents. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, pesticides can be harmful to people, animals, or the environment because they are designed to kill or harm living organisms. Because of this, pesticide residue on the foods you eat can have an effect on your health. Though the government regulates pesticide use, residues are still found in our food supply. (2)
Children who are frequently exposed to a small number of organophosphates, a pesticide found on commercially grown fruit and vegetables, are more likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than children who have been exposed less often. Exposure to these pesticides has also been linked to behavior and learning problems in children. (3)
Click here to read more articles about “Toxic America”.
Not to mention fast food chemicals. Did you know that so many unhealthy things are added? Many of which are toxic and harmful to our bodies. Just to name a few:
Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Benzoate
These preservatives are sometimes added to soda to prevent mold from growing, but benzene is a known carcinogen that is also linked with serious thyroid damage. Dangerous levels of benzene can build up when plastic bottles of soda are exposed to heat or when the preservatives are combined with ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Don’t risk it, people
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
BHA is another potentially cancer-causing preservative, but it has been deemed safe by the FDA. Its job is to help prevent spoilage and food poisoning, but it’s a major endocrine disruptor and can seriously mess with your hormones. BHA is in HUNDREDS of foods. It’s also found in food packaging and cosmetics. BHA has many aliases. You can look them up. Or you can follow my advice and DITCH processed foods altogether.
Sodium Nitrates and Sodium Nitrites
No that’s not a typo. These two different preservatives are found in processed meats like bacon, lunch meat, and hot dogs. They’re some of the worst offenders, and they’re believed to cause colon cancer and metabolic syndrome, which can lead to diabetes. Protect your health by always choosing fresh, organic meats.
Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow
The artificial colors blue 1 and 2, green 3, red 3, and yellow 6 have been linked to thyroid, adrenal, bladder, kidney, and brain cancers. Always seek out foods with the fewest artificial chemicals, especially when shopping for your kids. Look for color-free medications and natural food products that don’t contain artificial colors like these.
Monosodium glutamate is a processed “flavor enhancer.” While glutamates are present in some natural foods, such as meat and cheese, the ones exploited by the processed-foods industry are separated from their host proteins through hydrolysis. The jury is still out on how harmful MSG may be, but high levels of free glutamates have been shown to seriously screw with brain chemistry. Don’t fall prey to chemical flavor enhancing. Just play it safe and flavor your food naturally. (4)
You can also read another study and article that links fast food to toxic chemicals here.
Other Daily Exposures
We are exposed to bad air quality daily whether it’s inhaling fumes from vehicles, or breathing in chemicals from the cleaning supplies you’ve been using.
The plastic we package our food in, microwave it in and eat out of can leak into our foods. If you cook your food in aluminum or non-stick pans, that has been shown to come off in our food, and affect us.
The makeup we wear, shampoos, soaps, and fragrances that our skin absorbs. They all contain chemicals that affect us and can wreak havoc on our bodies and brains. How scary is it to think, the lotion you might be rubbing on your baby could be hurting them? Read the labels, research the ingredients, know what you’re putting in your body. What you put on your skin might be more toxic than what you put in your mouth. (5)
I’m not here to get into a debate about vaccines. I’m just pointing out that they have some serious chemicals and toxins in them that are not good for us. That doesn’t discount that they might have some things that are meant to help. If you read the inserts, you’ll see the ingredients and know what I mean about the toxic ingredients. (6)
If you are giving your children vaccines, then you’ll definitely want to be doing a detox protocol. I know several nurses who vaccinate their children, then go home directly after and help their children detox so they can lessen the side effects of any toxin build-ups.
Genetics Side Note
Many people have the MTHFR gene mutation, diagnosed or not. It’s fairly common. MTHFR is an enzyme that adds a methyl group to folic acid to make it usable by the body. The MTHFR gene produces this enzyme that is necessary for properly using vitamin B9. This enzyme is also important for converting homocysteine into methionine, which the body needs for proper metabolism and muscle growth and which is needed for glutathione creation. The process of methylation also involves the enzyme from the MTHFR gene, so those with a mutation may have trouble effectively eliminating toxins from the body. This is why vaccinations can be very dangerous for those with this mutation. (7)
MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. You can get a blood test to see if you have it. It is something that can be inherited and is genetic.
The Good News
There are some great ways out there to help the detox process. Everything from simple baths, to very complex diets and supplements. I’m going to share with you some strategies and things you can do at home, on a daily or weekly basis to support your body and help it to better detox. You can do a combination of things, or just try one at a time.
Supporting Our Body’s Natural Detoxing Abilities
1. Kid or Adult Bath Detox
1 cup Epsom Salt and 1/2 cup Baking Soda
A warm or hot bath can also promote sweating, which may help the body release toxins from the pores. Adding baking soda can be beneficial and help with the following conditions: yeast infections, fungal skin and nail infections, eczema, psoriasis, Poison Ivy/Oak, UTIs, diaper rash, constipation, hemorrhoids, and more. (8)
Adding the Epsom Salt is important because it helps aid in the detox process, but also has some other amazing benefits. It helps with inflammation, reduces stress, boosts levels of magnesium, soothes aches and pains, promotes better sleep, raises serotonin levels, can ease sunburns, and more. (9)
Feel free to add in some lavender (or other essential oils) and remember that filtered water is best for detox baths. You can check the quality of your city’s water here.
2. Bentonite Clay
Clays are used to absorb toxins because they act like a sponge or magnet for chemicals and metals inside the body. Due to its poly-cationic nature, bentonite clay leads to the absorption of negative charge toxins. Most clays are meant for topical use only (they are not meant to be ingested). However, some high-quality, organic clays can be used internally, although you need to be very careful about doing this (contact the manufacturer to ask if it’s safe to consume the clay). Historically, many cultures ate clay to obtain minerals and help cleanse their bodies of parasites and other microbes. If you do want to use clay internally, mix 1/2 teaspoon with water, shake to combine and take once daily. (10)
3. Colon Cleanse
Studies show that bowel movements are important for removing bacteria, heavy metal detox, or eliminating excess fatty acids from the body. A colon cleanse can also impact the nervous system positively, which is why it might help symptoms like anxiety and fatigue. You can go to a professional for this, which may be more beneficial than doing it from home. Make sure to take a probiotic supplement to replenish the good bacteria. This is only recommended for adults. (11)
4. Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is a treatment that works to eliminate metals and toxins via adsorption, or the chemical reaction where elements bind to a surface. The porous surface of activated charcoal has a negative electric charge that causes positive charged toxins and gas to bond with it. Charcoal is so powerful that it’s used as an emergency treatment for removing poisons from the body very fast. It’s full of carbon and can help discard heavy metals and other toxins. Look for activated charcoal made from coconut shells or identified wood species that have ultra-fine grains. Follow directions based on the specific type you use. Whenever you take activated charcoal, it’s imperative to drink 12–16 glasses of water per day. (12)
5. Detox Food Pads
These foot pads are one of my favorites to use for supporting detox in my body. They are made up of natural ingredients that help draw the toxins from our feet. The pads are worn on the feet for a couple of reasons – the feet are considered in Oriental medicine to be the “second heart” – that is, they help pump return circulation of blood and lymph back up into the torso. With much of our time sedentary these days, this natural pumping action is inhibited and circulation tends to bog down around the feet, ankles, and lower legs.
It’s definitely a very holistic eastern medicine type of detox, but I’ve had positive experiences with it so far. Check out the link for more info, and the video. These are safe for all ages 2 years and up.
6. Infrared Sauna
Infrared’s deep penetrating heat is what most effectively stimulates metabolic activity, which in turn triggers the release of stored toxins through sweat, as well as through the liver and kidneys.
The key to making sauna use an effective detoxification method for you is daily use. Using it once in a while will help, but it is daily use that will result in these long-term benefits.
Infrared saunas are more effective at stimulating detoxification and gentler on the body than traditional hot rock saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs. Deep, cellular sweating is key to detoxifying and energizing your body. Note: You should not be using a sauna if you have breast implants. (12)
7. Fasting
There is a good amount of information out there about fasting and how it helps with the detox process. Fasting is one of the most beneficial things we can do for our bodies. There are different types of fasting too, like intermittent fasting (16:8) or a 2 day fast, or more long-term options. You will see better results with something like a 2 day cleanse instead of short intermittent fasting. For more info on the different options check out this video by Rhonda Patrick.
Fasting is great for your health. It’s great for your intestines, your cells, your brain, your insulin levels, weight loss, etc. It has so many benefits. I personally like to do two-day fasts, two times a month, and I use an herbal cleanse drink that I drink during the two days to balance electrolytes and nourish my body with vitamins while fasting. I experience a clearer mind, better mood levels, better sleep, fat loss, more energy, and less anxiety. You can read more here about the science behind fasting and detoxing.
8. Drink Lots of (Filtered) Water
I highly recommend a solid filter or purification system. I have found this one to be very high quality and worth the price. We use the larger one so that we can use it for cooking and other things in addition to drinking water. It’s called The Royal Berkey.
9. Healthy Eating & Exercise
Eat unprocessed natural whole foods as much as possible. Stop eating fast food, or processed junk foods. Read the label and know what’s in your food.
Exercise helps the body’s organs of elimination to function optimally simply by getting them going. Moving the body helps to circulate both blood and lymph. The more they circulate, the more the liver and lymph nodes can do the job of cleansing and purifying the blood and lymph.
The digestive system works well and more regularly with consistent exercise. When you exercise you breathe deeply with your lungs. The oxygen that you breathe in travels through the blood to the brain and muscles. The lungs increase their capacity as the heart muscle grows stronger, and they produce and give off carbon dioxide as a waste product of aerobic exercise. The skin is cleansed from the inside out by the cleansing process of perspiration. Many toxins can be eliminated through the skin by sweating.
Another way exercise helps to detoxify the body is by reducing the body’s subcutaneous fatty tissue. Toxins get stored in the fatty tissue of the body. Therefore, when fatty tissue is reduced as a result of aerobic exercise, the toxins are released and can be eliminated through the cleansing organs. (12.1)
10. Probiotics
Probiotics are “friendly” bacteria found in foods such as yogurt, miso, or kefir. They’re also available in supplements in the form of liquid, powder, or capsules. These bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, help to keep a healthy balance of intestinal flora in your intestines and provide various health benefits, such as boosting your immune system or improving intestinal health. But it’s not all good news with these friendly bacteria. They can cause symptoms similar to those you might experience on a detox diet because probiotics can serve that purpose in the body. (13)
Probiotics have been studied and shown to detox, or rid the body of chemicals and heavy metals and boost immunity. Read here: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/7-ways-probiotics-help-you-detoxify-your-health
Go here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17110980 For further info and studies.
I have used several probiotics, and the ones I like best are: VSL, DrFormulas, and Renew Life.

Research shows that melatonin has a metal binding role and is a useful supplement in the treatment of neurological disorders in which oxidative stress is involved, which includes Alzheimer’s. Melatonin can travel freely across all cellular barriers, facilitating the removal of toxic metals such as aluminum. It also appears to suppress the oxidative activity of aluminum in your brain. Melatonin is also one of the hormones that is blocked by Glyphosate exposure, so exogenous support is quite beneficial to rid yourself of this toxin. New research shows melatonin also has anti-cancer properties. (15, 15.1) This is the liquid melatonin I use and recommend.
Other supplements to take that may help you overcome heavy metal poisoning include:
Chlorella (1-4 grams per day, or about 4-8 caps daily) — Chlorella is a type of green algae that acts as a natural chelator to remove heavy metals, especially lead and mercury. It’s a great source of chlorophyll and is “hungry” to absorb other metals. You can take it in powder or tablet form.
Vitamin C (3000 milligrams daily) — Acts as an antioxidant to help reduce free radicals. I prefer to use the packets as they are absorbed better into the body and easy to give my kids.
Cilantro (preferably taken as a tincture 2x per day)
Shilajit (between 100-500 milligrams daily, typically in powder form) — Shilajit is an adaptogenic plant that has certain things in common with activated charcoal, especially that it contains a lot of carbon. It’s a natural chelator because it contains fulvic acid and humic acid that bind to toxic molecules.
Milk Thistle (150 milligrams taken 2x daily, or milk thistle tea 1-3 times daily) — This is one of the most popular herbs for detoxifying the liver. Silybin is a component with the greatest degree of biological activity that has strong antioxidant properties. It may act as a toxin blockade agent by inhibiting binding of toxins to cell membrane receptors. Silymarin has been shown to reduce liver injury and is used to treat alcoholic liver disease, acute and chronic viral hepatitis, and toxin-induced liver diseases.
(Above recommendations by Dr. Axe)
Research published in 2013 showed that drinking up to one liter of silicon-rich mineral water daily for 12 weeks effectively excreted aluminum via the urine, without detrimental effects on essential metals such as iron and copper. According to the authors: “We have provided preliminary evidence that over 12 weeks of silicon-rich mineral water therapy the body burden of aluminum fell in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and, concomitantly, cognitive performance showed clinically relevant improvements in at least 3 out of 15 individuals.”
Silicon-rich mineral waters help to remove aluminum from the body because they are actually rich in soluble silicon or silicic acid. This form of silicon immediately follows water molecules through the gut wall and into the bloodstream where it forms a complex with aluminum called an hydroxyaluminosilicate. This form of aluminum can be easily filtered from the blood by the kidney. Hence, silicon-rich mineral waters increase the excretion of aluminum in the urine. (14)
Lastly, I wanted to mention an amazing supplement that helps repair your body from any oxidative stress and inflammation you have been experiencing. It’s called Nrf2 activator. I’ve been using this supplement for almost a month and have experienced some wonderful results including clearer thinking/less brain fog, much more motivation to get things done, less anxiety, more energy and better sleep. It is 100% plant-based and safe for all children, animals, and the elderly. There are over 25 peer-reviewed journals on this. If you’d like to find out more about the supplement you can go here. I’m also happy to answer any questions I can on this. So far from what I’m learning and reading from the studies is that it can reduce up to 40% of oxidative stress in your body within the first 30 days. It also increases your life span by 7%. It really is so fascinating, especially since it’s an herbal supplement that works naturally with our body. (More information on this to come since it’s such a great topic, I will be doing a blog post for this soon)
Hopefully, you’ll have an idea and strategy as to how you can best help your family. If you have any questions about any of the above, let me know! I’ll update anything else that we use or come across. Happy detoxing and thanks for stopping by!
-Jess @ Healthy Happy Thriving
(1) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320371.php
(1.1) http://freshlysqueezedwater.org.uk/waterarticle_watercontent.php
(2) https://www.livestrong.com/article/230346-the-effects-of-pesticides-in-food/
(3) http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/05/17/pesticides.adhd/index.html
(4) https://www.thebetterhealthstore.com/043011_top-ten-toxic-ingredients-in-processed-food_01.html
(5) https://chriskresser.com/toxic-skincare-products-soap-shampoo-and-lotion/
(6) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf
(7) https://wellnessmama.com/27148/mthfr-mutation/
(8) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321398.php
(9) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321398.php
(10) https://draxe.com/heavy-metal-detox/
(11) https://draxe.com/colon-cleanse/
(12) https://blog.bulletproof.com/infrared-sauna-benefits-detox/
(12.1) https://www.livestrong.com/article/206993-exercise-for-detox/
(13) https://www.livestrong.com/article/531625-do-probiotics-cause-detox-symptoms/
(14) https://www.hippocraticpost.com/nursing/why-everyone-should-drink-silicon-rich-mineral-water/
(15) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9468114
(15.1) https://drjess.com/recovery-methods-brain-aluminum-glyphosate-exposure-2-2/
I couldn’t agree more about the liver detox! Your explanation makes so much sense and I love all of these tips! Thanks you for sharing!
good information about food and drinks thank you